I FINALLY have decided to start a family blog. I love reading everyone else's and I know it is the best way for friends and family to stay up to date in our crazy everyday lives. And, what better time to start than Christmas! Here is my concern... between email, facebook, online shopping, and now blogging... will my family ever have groceries or clean laundry? We will soon find out.

First I'll start with a brief update of our family. We live in Alamo, CA and have been here for about 6 years. Dave and I have been married for 5 years and have 2 beautiful little red head kiddos and 1 fluffy Goldendoodle dog, Macie. Gracyn is almost 3 1/2 years and Michael is 14 months.
Gracyn started preschool this year. She goes to Meadowlark Children's center twice a week. She loves to sing, dance, draw, and dress up. Sounds a lot like her mommy, huh? She is one smart cookie too. Her verbal skills, memory, and intelligence amaze me everyday. More than anything, she is a TALKER!!!! She does not stop all day long. Watch out if she has you trapped in a small place like the car or the bathroom. You better be ready to listen.
Michael may be the sweetest little baby ever. He is so easy going and always smiling. He is also very busy and always on the move. He is know to just disappear in the house. He can often be found near the toilets, playing with any type of cord he can find, trying to press the buttons on the alarm system, or hiding in the corner of the couch. Michael is talking a little with words like ma-mee, da-ee, teeth, baby. no-no, uh-oh, and mmm(milk). He is also signing for milk, more, all done, eat, bath, and potty. He is a very fast walker/runner and loves to dance, take baths, and pretend to brush his teeth. As sweet as Michael can be, he is still all boy! He will be the child that just runs off at the park and keeps on going. If you a little mouse in my home, here are the things you would often here me saying ... Toilets are not toys, don't gag yourself, stop pulling your sisters hair, don't eat the dog food, and Michael where are you?
So, that's our clan. Our house is crazy, and playful, and loud but we LOVE IT! We wouldn't have it any other way.