Just today Gracyn had her best bud Avery over for a play date. It has been pretty rainy here for the last few days but today was beautiful. So, the kids decided they wanted to have a Lemonade stand. Since Lucy was napping we had to set up at the end of our court instead the cross street where some cars may have actually driven by. So, I called some of our neighbors and the kids had a pretty busy business after all.

A week ago I took the kids on a hike. He have a great hike I used to do all the time with our dog and Gracyn. I would put her in the back pack and get one heck of a work out. Macie, our dog, can go off leash here and there are some really steep inclines to get the heart pumping. Well, now with 3 little ones we just kinda stroll and/or march the lower half of the trail. The kids love it.

My kids are bike crazy! So usually once a day we head out to either ride in the court or to go on a bike ride. I push the stroller and the kids ride their bikes. It won't be long before Lucy will be trying to keep up on a little bike of her own.

Last but not least, we celebrated St. Patricks day as green as we could. We started the day with a scavenger hunt, Lucky Charms, and green milk. I may have ruined my kids with this whole cereal thing. They are used to bran flakes, and cheerios, and if I'm feeling crazy some cinnamon life. So cereal with marshmallows?!?!?!?! "Mommy do they only have this on St. Patrick's Day?" " Why, Yes! Only today," I answer. That little white lie will come back to bite me later. We had a green themed dinner too! Shamrock ravioli, broccoli, and green grapes were on the menu. Followed by some delicious dipped Oreos!!!