Our little Trick-or-Treaters sure had a fun Halloween this year. From the pumpkin patch, to bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, school parties, and trick-or-treating......... fun was had by all. And, what a great time to share pictures.
Gracyn was Black Swan this year. Yes, that's right... Black Swan, that scary movie. It was her idea too. Whenever the kids get to watch a TV show I usually have them watch it from On Demand on Comcast. For those of you that use Comcast, whenever you are in the process of selecting a program there is a little box on the upper right hand side of the screen showing advertisements. When the DVD Black Swan was being released, Gracyn noticed it and had a lot of questions. I saw the movie and it was very dark and creepy. I swear she never saw the movie!!! But wow, it made a great costume. Michael was a fighter pilot and Lucy was a leopard kitty and an Octopus.
The Loot!!!
Ding Dong
Miss Octopus
Silly Boys

Mama and her Sea Creature
Our Trick-0r-Treating Clan
Black Swan

Pumpkin Time
Fighter Pilot
Daddy and the little Kitten Leopard
One Halloween party to many!

Kindergarten Party
Gracyn and her Scarecrow

Preschool parade

Best Kiddos Ever!
Bobbing time!