I know! It has been a very long time since my last post. I guess that shows how busy we have been. Since then and now we have hosted Thanksgiving dinner, had Dave's Aunt and Uncle for a visit, I was in charge of a Christmas mission project for my mom's group, attended 5 Christmas parties, decorated the house, wrapped Christmas gifts, attended a teddy bear tea, had 1 kid in the hospital, 1 pregnant mommy with the flu, 1 sick little girl , and my parents in town for a pre-Christmas visit!!!! I am tired just reading that. The great thing is we had so much fun doing each of those things (minus the hospitals ad sickness.)
Here are some pictures from the last month:
Here we are at the Santa Claus breakfast at the Martinez Masonic Hall waiting for Santa to make is grand entrance.
Grandma and Grandpa Jefford at the Santa breakfast with Michael
Grandma making Christmas crafts with Gracyn.
Gracyn wearing her new hat from Great Grandma Scherer. She LOVES this hat!
Poor little Michael was admitted to the hospital last week for Reactive Airway Disease. His poor lungs had a very bad response to the common cold. He is doing great now and is taking medication using a breathing machine. He was one sick little boy but still managed to win over every single nurse in his unit. Little Charmer!
Here is Gracyn at the annual Swedish Jule Fest. This is the first year she participated in the Sankta Lucia presentation. She loved it and was so very proud of herself. Now she wants to learn to sing the songs in Swedish and be Lucia so she can wear the crown. Gracyn asked me if I was Swedish. I told her no, but daddy is. So, she asked if she was Swedish and I told her yes, she is part Swedish. She then said "Well why don't I speak Swedish." - what a cutie!
Gracyn and Santa
Michael and Santa
Gracyn with the Teddy Bear from the Christmas Teddy Bear tea in San Francisco