Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet the newest member of the Ard family...........


Little Artist

Gracyn has begun drawing things that actually resemble something. Here is one of her firsts works of art! Yes that is me. Do I really have that much hair????

I'm ready for school Mom!!!

The pictures say it all!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good NIght Little Ones

Gracyn and Michael are SO sweet when you put them to bed. Well, most of the night they are. These where the bedtime highlights tonight.

Gracyn - "Mom do you know how much I love you? All the way to the sun, the moon, Earth, Pluto and back." What a love! and a smart one too!

Michael - He is beginning to become attached to a few different lovies in his crib (his blue blankie, his stuffed horse, and his sock monkey). He is beginning to talk a lot too. So, when you lay him down he asks for his favorite things to snuggle with, one at a time. "ankie," "ney ney," and "key key." He snuggles them all in tight around his face and gives them a big squeeze. Tonight he made "ney ney" give "key key" a kiss. Makes me melt!!!!!