Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chickens Join the Clan

Yes that's right!  We got chickens.  We have been talking about taking the plunge for quite some time now.  We had been looking at used coops and visiting the baby chicks at the local feed store.  Dave and his Uncle David built a coop for us this week and now the adventure begins.  

The guys work so hard building this thing and it looks so good.  These chickens will be living in luxury! They placed the coop and run in our side yard and completely incased in chicken wire.  AFTER we went to get our chicks we were informed that chicken wire won't really do the job in protecting our hens from raccoons.  I guess they can just rip through it like paper!  So, poor Dave and Uncle David had to take the whole thing apart and cover it with a more heavy duty material.  The even lined the floor with the heavy duty wire.  Hopefully this hen house will be predator proof!!!

We just went to get our chicks yesterday.  We got 5 baby chicks; 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orington, 1 Plymouth Rock, and 1 Bantam.  The kids named them Sleepy Head, Scooby Doo, Buttercup, Blackie, and Mary Peckins.  They are 2 weeks old so it will be another 4-6 weeks before these little gals are living in their luxury digs.  Right now they are living in a plastic tub under a heat lamp.  The kids LOVE them.  Gracyn will play with them for hours if you let her.  We will keep you posted on our urban chicken farming project!

The kids a pretending they are chickens playing in the coop.

 Nesting Boxes

The finished product

Play Time

1st Lost Tooth!!!

Well, a first happened at the Ard household this week.  Tuesday, June 26th, Gracyn lost her first tooth. She was SO EXCITED.  We had been wiggling it for the last couple week and finally while we were out to dinner at a little Pizza place in Martinez, Daddy got it out!  Below is a picture of our toothless beauty, and note she wrote to the tooth fairy on a napkin at the restaurant, and what the tooth fairy brought her.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Visit Home

We just got back let week from a great trip to Illinois to visit friends and family.  Since we only get to go back once a year we are VERY busy while we are in town.  We visited an old college friend at her now home, went to a fireworks show, went to Polo Town and Country Days, hit the Alumni Beer Garden, had a big family bbq, the kids went on a scavenger hunt, visited my grandma's new home, went to a minor league baseball game, went to the local pool, and even had dinner with old friends!!!  Wow, I'm exhausted just listing it all out.  We were pooped by the time we made it home but had such a great time.  Were are a few photos from our week away.

Things sure have changed since college.  All these kids are from myself and 2 other college girlfriends.

Grandma and the babies!

Trying to win a fish at the carnival.

Two little buddies riding on the motorcycles.

Someone won a fish!!!

My sweet little nephew.

Not bad Grandpa and Grandma Jefford.  5 grandkids in less than 6 years.

LOVE this picture.

Our visit with Great Grandma Scherer.

At the Schaumburg Boomers Game.

What kid can resist a big foam hand???

Sweet baby Lulu, hanging at the baseball game.

Brayden and Marshall just got a new sandbox and boy did my kids love it!  This picture is hilarious.  Michael..........future plumber??

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Funny Things Kids Say

Tonight while I was getting Michael ready for bed he started asking a lot of questions about his private parts.  He asked if Lucy has one and if I have one.  Anyway.......  We got into a private parts discussion and I really had to try my hardest not to giggle because instead of saying "private parts" he would say "pirate parts."  Argh Matey!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What to Do????

So, it's Saturday morning.  Dave left for yoga a little while ago and I'm ready to take the kids to go work out too.  BUT all three of them (yes, even Lucy) are playing so nicely together in Gracyn and Michael's room.  The door is closed so I guess I should be a little concerned but, they are laughing and playing and having a good time.  I really want to work out but how do I disturb this rare occasion????   I guess I'll sit back, have another cup of coffee, and read my book.  Is this what my future looks like?  Nevermind, someones screaming!!!!!